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Initially a painter, my life led me to experiment and then study various therapeutic approaches including art therapy and biodynamic psycho-corporeal psychology. Artistic and therapeutic support individually or in groups , particularly for women and children, allowed me to enrich and refine my practice as a therapist.

For a long time, it has been important to me to help people who are suffering, questioning or blocked in their life momentum. Art therapy and biodynamic psycho-corporeal therapy are two therapeutic approaches that focus on the potential and the living of the individual. I am bringing them together today to offer better support that takes into account the whole person (emotional, physical and psychological). Through creation, speech and the body, I strive to offer optimal conditions to help you find your path to healing for lasting and autonomous well-being.

"I don't heal with theory, I heal with who I am"    CG Jung

C.G. Jung

After going to school  Valencia Fine Arts I have been many years  and am still a painter. 
For 6 years, I trained as an Art therapist. I hold a University Diploma in Art Therapy and a Certificate in Applied Analytical Art Therapy.  

I am currently in  training at the European Biodynamic School of Psychology in Montpellier. (EPBE)

I have been working for fifteen years in collaboration with Marisa Ortolan : biodynamic psychocorporal therapist, in the accompaniment of groups of women. (physical, psychological and spiritual work  for a reparation of the gendered woman)  

For several years, I have been part of a continuous working group led by Alberto d'Enjoy : biodynamic psychocorporal therapist,  combining: biodynamic psycho-corporal work,  shamanic spiritual work (in connection with nature,  Drum journey, meditation) and therapeutic group dynamics.

I am also a member of the Coreopsy group  (collective of psycho-corporal therapists).

I am a member of the APPB (Professional Association of Biodynamic Psychology) 

hand art therapy

Magalie Masson - 06 82 82 36 70

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