Magalie Masson
It is important to me to help the suffering individual, blocked in his momentum of life to restore himself through creation, speech and body. Enriched by my professional and personal experiences, I put my artistic, therapeutic and energetic know-how at the service of the person in order to stimulate their creative and liberating life energy. Depending on the needs, objectives and expectations of each, I offer tools, proposals adapted from a perspective of care, of well-being. In a safe environment, I welcome and accompany the person to develop their own creative space to discover, discover themselves, free themselves, understand, heal, grow, build, flourish, ... to advance.
Magalie Masson
Psycho-corporeal therapist
Biodynamic Psychology and Art Therapy
Initially a painter, my life led me to experiment and then study various therapeutic approaches including art therapy and biodynamic psycho-corporeal psychology. Artistic and therapeutic support individually or in groups , particularly for women and children, allowed me to enrich and refine my practice as a therapist.
For a long time, it has been important to me to help people who are suffering, questioning or blocked in their life momentum. Art therapy and biodynamic psycho-corporeal therapy are two therapeutic approaches that focus on the potential and the living of the individual. I am bringing them together today to offer better support that takes into account the whole person (emotional, physical and psychological). Through creation, speech and the body, I strive to offer optimal conditions to help you find your path to healing for lasting and autonomous well-being.
"I don't heal with theory, I heal with who I am" CG Jung
C.G. Jung
After going to school Valencia Fine Arts I have been many years and am still a painter.
For 6 years, I trained as an Art therapist. I hold a University Diploma in Art Therapy and a Certificate in Applied Analytical Art Therapy.
I am currently in training at the European Biodynamic School of Psychology in Montpellier. (EPBE)
I have been working for fifteen years in collaboration with Marisa Ortolan : biodynamic psychocorporal therapist, in the accompaniment of groups of women. (physical, psychological and spiritual work for a reparation of the gendered woman)
For several years, I have been part of a continuous working group led by Alberto d'Enjoy : biodynamic psychocorporal therapist, combining: biodynamic psycho-corporal work, shamanic spiritual work (in connection with nature, Drum journey, meditation) and therapeutic group dynamics.
I am also a member of the Coreopsy group (collective of psycho-corporal therapists).
I am a member of the APPB (Professional Association of Biodynamic Psychology)