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L'art-thérapie pour:

création arthérapie
  • Retrouver une meilleure confiance en soi et en l'autre.

  • Trouver un espace sécurisant pour libérer ses émotions parfois contenues, réprimées, bloquantes.

  • Nettoyer,  panser, transformer ses blessures. 

  • Restaurer ou renforcer  sa puissance , sa force et sa douceur.

  • Acquérir une meilleure compréhension, mettre de la lumière sur son passé, son présent et son avenir.

  • S'offrir un temps pour soi, se faire plaisir. recevoir ce qui a peut-être manqué.

  • Retrouver une meilleure relation à  «soi m’aime », à son corps, une meilleure estime de soi dans sa globalité

  • Reprendre la main sur sa vie et ce qui la compose .... 

Create for  heal


Whether physical, psychic, moral, there is no small suffering.  Art therapy is a biodynamic therapeutic approach  who can help you. Creation allows a liberating and constructive letting go. She   activates healthy resources and potentialities  of the person. In addition to words, or when these cannot or no longer act, another language exists, that of the body and of creation.

When the individual is affected in his physical, psychic or energetic body, art therapy and biodynamic psychology are valuable and serious aids to repair. 

Reconnect with life and movement

création arthé

The biodynamic art-therapeutic work involves the body through action, sensations, as well as emotions. He  released the body of its sufferings, of its  blockages.  This personal work, sometimes intimate accompanied with kindness, without judgment is most beneficial. The intention is to bring the movement back to life to bring life back into motion.

Tools to rebuild

corps et peinture

In my therapeutic accompaniment,  I adapt to the experience, the rhythm and the needs of the person I receive. My support tools are:  

  • Visual arts : painting, drawing, clay, collage, volume, masks, mandalas, writing….

  • Psycho-corporal  : massages, waking dreams, work on dreams, vegetal therapy….

  • The verbal exchange.

Audience. Everyone is unique

création Magalie Masson

For therapeutic or personal development purposes, art therapy is aimed at anyone experiencing:  

Relational, family, professional difficulties - Sleep disorder -  Self-confidence problem - Depression - Burn out - Separation - Mourning - Uprooting - Addictions - Eating disorders - Skin disease - Alzheimer's - Sexual violence - Abuse - Physical, psychological abuse, etc.

Art therapy sessions  on appointment : 

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